LPA and the expansion devise
For an evaporator to operate efficiently, it must operate with as high percent of liquid-to-vapour ratio as possible. To accomplish this, the Expansion Device must be able to regulate the flow of liquid refrigerant into the Evaporator at the same rate at which it evaporates. As seen in most systems, the overfeeding and underfeeding of the Expansion Device drastically affects the efficiency of the Evaporator. With the LPA system installed and running, the flow rate is consistently higher with a more evenly modulating Expansion Device. The increase in refrigerant flow and improved control of the expansion device provides

better utilization of the evaporator, creating an increase in pressure and a reduction in superheat temperature entering the compressor. Higher pressure vapor entering the compressor is possible with LPA leading to an increase in compressor capacity, thus providing further efficiency gains. It is thought that the potential reduction of super-heated refrigerant vapor temperatures via LPA reduces the expansion of reciprocating compressor cylinder walls and therefore improves reliability.
LPA and the expansion devise