Scale elimination, water cooled condensers
HY-SAVE’s technology, particularly the use of LPA (Liquid Pressure Amplification) pumps, is designed to enhance the efficiency of refrigeration systems while also addressing the common issue of scale build-up in water-cooled systems. By reducing the compressor’s discharge temperature by 50K (180°F), the LPA pumps help to prevent scale from forming on the condenser tubes within cooling towers and water-cooled condensers as the discharge temperatures are below the temperature that scale forms.
Scale build-up can significantly affect the performance and efficiency of cooling systems by insulating heat transfer surfaces and reducing heat rejection capabilities. The prevention of scale formation leads to cooler operation of evaporative condensers, minimized water drift loss, and maintained maximum performance and efficiency. This not only reduces the energy consumption but also lowers maintenance costs associated with coil cleaning.

The application of LPA technology in various settings, including water-cooled evaporation and condensers, demonstrates a commitment to improving refrigeration efficiency and reducing carbon emissions caused by refrigeration systems worldwide. This approach aligns with the broader goals of energy conservation and environmental protection by reducing the overall carbon footprint of refrigeration systems.
Discharge de-superheating.
keywords, liquid injection, superheat suppression, evaporation tower, water cooled condenser, compressor discharge temperature, reduction, heat extraction, outdoors